Meet Our Team

Yefri Dahrin

Advisory Board at Riak Bumi Foundation.
His educational background is at the Middle School of Civil Engineering in Pontianak. He is a Malay ethnic originating from Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province. Since 1984 he has been a civil servant in the Natural Resources Conservation (KSDA) under the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry. He was a conservation cadre, police ranger, and commander of the forest fire control brigade in the West Kalimantan Operations Area. Has deep experience in government bureaucracy, handling forest fire cases, wildlife trafficking, and forest security, and has expertise in the field of conservation. He has Joined Riak Bumi Foundation since its establishment in 2000.

Valentinus Heri

Founder and Executive Director at Riak Bumi Foundation.
His educational background is a law degree from Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. He is a Dayak Iban from Lanjak, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Previously worked in Wetlands International Indonesia Program from 1995-1997 and then worked at Dian Tama Foundation from 1997-2000. After that, he founded the Riak Bumi Foundation in 2000. He has experience in assisting community groups in conservation areas in developing NTFPs as an alternative income, strengthening customary law in natural resource management, and facilitating multi-stakeholder meetings. He received the Ashoka award in 2009. He has diplomatic skills and an extensive network in various countries.

Deasy Rinayanti Pelealu

Finance Manager at Riak Bumi Foundation.
Her educational background is Economics Degree from Tanjungpura University Pontianak in 2008. Then she continued her education and graduated with a Master of Management at Tanjungpura University Pontianak in 2012. She is a mixture of Dayak and Manado tribes from Singkawang, West Kalimantan Province. Experience as a lecturer at several private universities in Pontianak. She joined Riak Bumi Foundation in 2007. Has experience in financial auditing, planning, and managing the finances of non-profit institutions. Has experience in business and marketing. Having the ability to organize various events such as meetings, workshops, and festivals.

Fransiska Erlina

Cashier at Riak Bumi Foundation.
Her educational background is a Bachelor of Economics at the Panca Bhakti University, Pontianak. She is a Dayak Kanayatn tribe from Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province. Has experience working in a shipping company as an administration from 2005-2008. Having experience and expertise in gender and biodiversity issues. She has experience in finance and reporting on projects to donor agencies. Has the capacity to conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) for the development of small and medium enterprises for the community.

Veronika Heni

Program Manager at CV Riak Bumi Foundation.
Her educational background is a Master's study program in English language education at Tanjungpura University Pontianak. She is a Dayak Serawai tribe from Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Has experience teaching and part-time English lecturer at several universities in Pontianak. Joined Riak Bumi Foundation in 2022. She has experience in project handling related to managing timelines, project targets, and project reports in English, particularly in terms of NTFP business development that pays attention to environmental protection. She is also particularly interested in developing traditional arts and culture.


Secretary at Riak Bumi Foundation.
His educational background is at the Academy of Foreign Languages at Widya Dharma Pontianak. Has joined the Riak Bumi Foundation in 2008. He is a Dayak Mualang tribe from Balai Sepuak, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Has skills in communicating in English. Experiencing as Coordinator of the Indonesian Forest Honey Network from 2012 until now. Has experience in organizing community groups, meetings, and workshops. Has the ability in training to increase the capacity of NTFP products and marketing such as forest honey, and tengkawang.

Denny Onesimus Bakara

Partnership and networking Manager at Riak Bumi Foundation
His educational background is a Diploma in Plantation Product Processing Technology from the Pontianak State Polytechnic (2003) and then continued his study at the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Product Technology, University of Widyagama Malang (2008). He is a mixture of the Dayak Desa and Batak tribe from Meliau, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Had experience in building networks and partnerships with various institutions. Has expertise in surveys of public perceptions regarding the potential of Orangutans and public awareness programs about orangutans. Has the ability to increase community capacity in developing NTFPs and facilitating multi-stakeholder meetings.

Jem Sami

Community Engagement Manager at Riak Bumi Foundation.
His educational background is in the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy at Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, 1998. Then he continued the Academy of Corporate Management in the Corporate Management Study Program at Panca Bhakti University Pontianak in 2004. He is a Dayak Iban tribe from Kapar, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Has in-depth experience with the history and culture of the Iban tribe and the local context in the community. Has expertise in facilitating various community and multi-stakeholder meetings. Expertise in surveys of public perceptions regarding the potential of Orangutans and public awareness programs about orangutans.

Nehemia Ngilah

Community Engagement Officer at Riak Bumi Foundation.
His educational background is a bachelor's degree in agriculture from the University of Tanjungpura, graduating in 2000. He is a Dayak Iban from Sawah Hamlet, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan Province. He has joined the Riak Bumi Foundation since 2002. Has experience in mapping community areas, and assisting the community as a community organizer, tengkawang survey, reforestation of forest and agricultural plants such as coffee, local fruits, including tengkawang in agroforestry land. He also has experience in facilitation of social forestry schemes, and capacity building in NTFP product development.

Riki Rikando

Community Engagement Officer at Riak Bumi Foundation
His educational background is a Bachelor of Forestry, from Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, graduating in 2018. He is a Dayak Iban tribe from Ngaung Keruh Hamlet, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Experiencing working in the contractor company Lancar Jaya Mitra Abadi from 2012-2013. Joined Riak Bumi Foundation in 2015. Experienced in survey, transect, biophysical, and socio-economic data collection, knowledge in GIS and mapping, forestry plantations, marketing, and administration. He also has experience in writing for environmental advocacy and campaign purposes.

Yenni Kurnia

Administration and Finance at CV Riak Bumi.
Her Educational background is a Bachelor of Management at the Indonesian College of Economics Pontianak. She is a Dayak Mualang tribe from Balau Lambing, Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Has experience working as a cashier and waiter in 2019-2022. Joined Riak Bumi Foundation in 2022. Has experience in financial management and administration, marketing management, and human resource management. Has experience in forest honey production process and packaging.

Wahyu Widhi Wijanarko

Business Development Manager at CV. Riak Bumi
His educational background is in Mechanical Engineering at Sanata Dharma, Jogjakarta in 2005. He is a Javanese from Sukoarjo, Solo, Central Java Province. Experiencing working as a forest honey manager at PD. Dian Niaga Jakarta in 2005-2010. As secretary and information division of the 2013-2017 Indonesian Forest Honey Network. After that, he started his own business and joined the Riak Bumi Foundation in 2022. His expertise is in processing and marketing NTFPs (forest honey), an expert in graphic design, website design, social media, photography, videography and drone operation, and knowledge management.
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