1. Research on impact of water quality to fishes population degradation in Danau Sentarum National Park
This research undertaken in 4 locations (Pulau Majang villages, Leboyan, Meliau and Pega. This activities is joint research between CIFOR and Riak Bumi in January 2006.
2. Internal Control system training for forest honey collector groups in Danau Sentarum National Park
This activity is one of the conditions for getting forest honey organic certification in Danau Sentarum National Park. This training aim is to develop system on internal control quality and to develop production and marketing management for honey collector groups. This training conducted for 4 days from February 23-26, 2006 in Danau Sentarum National Park that attended by 25 representatives of 5 honey collector groups (periau). This honey collector groups formulated Danau Sentarum Honey Collector Association. The training was collaboration with BIOCert, WWF Indonesia, Dian Tama dan PRCF Indonesia.
3. Meeting of Quality Management System (QMS) Collaborator
This meeting has attended by Riak Bumi, Walhi, Titian foundation, and WWF as a host. The meeting has conducted in Pontianak, April 2006. This meeting was discussing in term of collective strategic planning for Kapuas river watershed area regarding natural resource management.
4. Visit study concerning post harvest process of forest honey in Tesso Nilo National Park, Riau
This activity conducted by Riak Bumi, Dian Niaga Jakarta and honey collector representative from Semalah village in Danau Sentarum National Park, April 2006. This visit study was learning more knowledge in term of post harvest process of forest honey from honey collectors in Tesso Nilo.
5. Indonesian Fishermen Association Meeting in Danau Sentarum National Park, Kapuas Hulu District
This meeting is media for discussing Indonesian Fishermen Association activities and the problems that pacing of fishermen in Kapuas Hulu district and looking for the solution to solve the problems. This meeting carried out in Pega village, Danau Sentarum National Park, May 2006.
6. Mapping of Forest Honey Collector Groups areas in Danau Sentarum National Park
Conducted to know the working area of forest honey collector groups and honey potential that managed by forest honey collector groups association in Danau Sentarum National Park. Carried out in May 2006.
7. Internal Inspector Training of forest honey collector groups in Danau Sentarum National Park
Internal inspector training for forest honey collector groups aim is to produce inspectors that have capacity to undertake quality control system in their organization effectively. The training has conducted in Semangit village, June 2006.
8. Economic Institution Formulating of Danau Sentarum Honey Collector Groups
Carried out on June 20-21, 2006 in Semangit village that attended by executor and the members of Danau Sentarum Forest Honey Association.
9. Riak Bumi and FLEGT coordination meeting
This meeting was discussing about conflict resolution in Danau Sentarum National Park. The meeting has carried out in June 2006 in Riak Bumi office in Pontianak.
10. Workshop of Communities in the border areas of Indonesian and Malaysian in Borneo
The workshop has conducted in July 26-28, 2006 in Merpati Hotel, Pontianak. This workshop has attended by communities in surrounding the border of Indonesian-Malaysian and NGOs in West Kalimantan. The main topics that discussed were how to manage the natural resources in the border of Indonesian and Malaysian sustainably and to create the welfare of the communities surroundings the borders.
11. Peace Building Meeting with CUSO
The meeting has attended by the members of the network of CUSO in West Kalimantan. This meeting discussed about agendas of peace building of CUSO network for west Kalimantan. The meeting has conducted in Pontianak, August 2006.
12. Focus Group Discussion of regulation planning of KUHP
The discussion has conducted by LBBT in Pontianak, September 2006. This meeting has discussed about the progress of KUHP changes especially related to natural resources management and environment regulations.
13. Shared Learning IV Meeting in Tohomon, South Sulawesi
This meeting carried out in Tohomon, South Sulawesi in September 2006. This meeting as media to share and learned about NTFPs management and utilization sustainably and to create welfare of the communities.
14. IUCN evaluation meeting in Bali, Indonesia
Riak Bumi invited to participate in this meeting to evaluate the small grand that supported by IUCN to Riak Bumi and others. IUCN partners in Indonesia attended this meeting. The meeting has conducted in Bali, September 2006.
15. Community Organizer Training in Danau Sentarum
The community in Danau Sentarum National Park and Riak Bumi staff undertook this meeting. The training has conducted in Tekenang hill village, September 2006. The training aim is to improve the capacity of community organizer in Danau Sentarum National Park to take control the changes for better life in the future of communities in Danau Sentarum National Park.
16. Villager Meeting in Leboyan Watershed area in Leboyan Vilage, Danau Sentarum
This meeting objective is to develop understanding and collective agreements among the communities in down-center-up river of Bakul, Ukit-Ukit, and Nanga Leboyan villages regarding potency and natural resources management in watershed area of Leboyan River. This meeting was carried out in October 2006.
17. Community Organizer Training for women groups in Danau Sentarum National Park
The objective of the meeting generally same with general community organizer training that conducted before in Tekenang Hill. The difference is the training of community organizer that time was special for women groups.
18. Labian-Leboyan Watershed Meeting in Danau Sentarum
The meeting has conducted in November 2006 in Lubuk Bandung village of Danau Sentarum. This meeting aim is to look for the formulation of collaboration among the communities in down and up river of Labian watershed in term of sustainable management and utilization of natural resources.
19. Seminar on strengthening of customary law institution in Danau Sentarum National Park
This seminar has objective to revitalization of traditional knowledge that in line to natural resources conservation in Danau Sentarum National Park areas. Conducted in Tekenang hill, the end of November 2006.
20. Annual Meeting of the communities in and around Danau Sentarum National Park
This meeting is media for the communities to discuss about the problems that pacing by them in this areas and to evaluate the progress of the result of the last annual meeting agreements and solve the problems through follow up planning for the next coming years. The meeting has conducted in December 2006 in Pulau Majang village, Danau Sentarum National Park.
21. Marketing strategy training for Danau Sentarum Honey Collector Association 2006-2007
This training was carried out in Semangit village mid December 2006. The training aim is to improve the capacity of honey collector that become the members of Danau Sentarum honey collector association in marketing of forest honey that their produced.
22. Sustainable Harvesting Technique of forest honey in Danau Sentarum
This training aim is to improve old technique that harvest all of the beehive of forest honey to new technique that harvest only honey part that not allowed to harvest beehive part that save bee brood. This technique has been applied to save the colonies and to increase the production of forest honey. Conducted in Pega village mid December 2006.
23. Conservation entrepreneur training and shared-learning networking in Danau Sentarum
This training is collaboration between Riak Bumi and CIFOR that carried out in Pontianak mid December 2006. This training objective is to enhance the understanding of conservation or protective areas, therefore the local communities will participate actively in protect of sustainable area, now day and the future.
24. Enterprise Management Training of forest Honey in Danau Sentarum
This training is to enhance the management capacity of forest honey collector to increase the welfare of communities in Danau Sentarum National Park, especially in enterprise or business aspect. This meeting was carried out in Semangit village, Danau Sentarum National Park, December 2006.